cedag quartett, Konzert bei KiS, 9. Juli 2024

Concert with the cedag quartet

cedag quartett, Konzert bei KiS, 9. Juli 2024

Concert with the cedag quartet

Music by Glass and Shostaktovich 

"A wonderful musical summer evening" - "This is beautiful" - "The performance was outstanding." These and similar were the reactions of the audience at the concert at KiS in early July 2024. The cedag quartet performed two string quartets no. 3: the one by Philip Glass, which is based on the music originally composed for the film "Mishima - A Life in Four Chapters". And the string quartet by Dmitri Shostakovich, composed in 1946, shortly after the war. The evening with Martin Yavryan and Clemens Gahl (violins), Ernst Theuerkauf (viola) and Peter Polzer (violoncello) was a thank you to the members of our KiS association.